1.14.17: Cannabiz

Article 1 Link: http://www.cannabisbusinesstimes.com/article/010917-california-cottage-cannabis-farmers-law/

I’ve never done any research on the marijuana business, but thought it would be appropriate given the recent passage of recreational use in the state of California through proposition 64. Its passage happened right before I arrived in California late last year for my friends Nick and Cindy’s wedding.

There’s a lot of concern surrounding the eradication of micro-farms (mom and pop cultivators that have similar operations and marketing as micro-breweries) due to large, conglomerate “big weed” corporations’ monopolizing the industry. This concern is shared by the governing authorities that hand out licenses for marijuana production and sales. With the enactment of the Cottage Cannabis Farmers Bill and provisions under Prop 64, the state government has only a limited number of licenses for large corporations to apply for in the first five years of enactment (beginning in 2018). The idea is for micro-farms to establish their businesses in the mean time in order to prevent from being out-muscled by the likes of Philip Morris or any other corporation looking to cash in on the new industry.

Whether you’re a supporter of legalized marijuana or not, the California government’s foresight into facilitating success for small businesses looking to establish themselves is commendable.

Article 2 Link: https://www.yahoo.com/news/goodbye-american-apparel-140000510.html

Article 3 Link: